Show your partner how much you love them
Everyone wants to be loved and if you show your partner how much you love them, it will have a very positive impact on your relationship. How you communicate your love is individual to you. You can use words, actions, touch and gifts to make your partner feel loved whether you’ve been together for days or for years.
Express your love
Love can be expressed through words, time spent together, with gifts, with physical touch and through actions. For some people, time spent together is more precious than a gift and for others it’s the reverse. Knowing what makes your partner feel loved is therefore important as what one likes may be very different to the other. It’s a simple conversation to find out the things you need to feel loved.
Treasure your partner
Make a note of important dates such as their birthday, anniversaries and other celebrations like St. Valentine’s day or New Year. Give a gift that fits their personality and style. Your partner will appreciate the fact that you’ve put some thought into the present. Whilst chocolates and flowers will be appreciated for St. Valentine’s day by the woman in your life, consider a longer-lasting gift for Valentine’s day such as a personalised bracelet with both of your initials or with a phrase that is personal to you both.
Show support
Love can be shown through thoughtful actions too. Taking on extra chores when they are unwell or working late is a small gesture that means a lot. If they are changing their diet to lose a bit of weight, don’t buy chocolates but instead treat them to something that supports their new lifestyle. If in doubt, ask your partner or if you want it to be a surprise, ask their close friends.
Just the two of you
Make time just for the two of you without interruption from kids or technology. Go for a walk or on a vacation together where your main focus is your partner, or do something fun together on a ‘date night’. Make daily routines a sign that you cherish your partner. Go to bed at the same time. Always kiss them before they leave the house.
Alone time
At times when your partner needs time to focus on something, give them space. And take it when you need it for yourself. You may both want time when you see your own friends or perhaps you have a hobby the other does not share. Support your partner to take the time out they want to do what they need to do for themselves. This will be very much appreciated and likely the favour will be returned.
Appreciate your partner
Give genuine compliments. When your partner looks sexy, tell them so. When they’ve fixed a problem or done something for you, say thank you. Surprise them with a little note of thanks on their pillow at the end of the day or a small gift of something you’ll know they’ll like.
Share emotionally with your partner
Laughter releases feel-good hormones, so show your love with your sense of humour. Enjoy being silly together and ensure that your ability to laugh together is always a part of your relationship.
Don’t protect each other from the difficult things you are going through, but instead listen to your partner share their feelings without interrupting. Not everyone wants their problems fixed, they may just want you to offer emotional support so they find their own solution.
Accept weaknesses and strengths
We all make mistakes. It’s what being human is all about. Accept your partner’s weaknesses with the same willingness that you accept their strengths. You’re a team and it could be that you balance each other out very well with your own strengths and weaknesses.
Be forgiving
Be free with your forgiveness, even when it’s difficult to do so. Your partner is going to make mistakes in your relationship, but it is unlikely they deliberately set out to hurt you or you them.
It’s worth making time to talk about your relationship to find out how you can better show your love for each other. Agree to find ways forward to improve your life together. It’s worth the investment of time to keep your relationship strong.
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